HC Deb 08 August 1884 vol 292 c273

asked Mr. Solicitor General for Ireland, Whether the Crown, within the past few days, made an offer to the five men charged with the same murder for which ex-Constable Muldowney has been convicted, and is to be executed on Tuesday, to withdraw the capital charge if they would consent to plead guilty to that of conspiracy; whether the evidence against them is not the same exactly as that brought against Muldowney, and whether, under the circumstances, the extreme sentence of the Law will be put in force against the condemned man; whether three Memorials have been sent to the Lord Lieutenant, praying for a commutation of the sentence, one from the Bishop, the clergy, and principal inhabitants, another from the Corporation of Sligo, and another from the jurors who tried the case; and, what answer has been given?


, in reply, said, that the advisers of the five men applied to the Crown to know if a plea of guilty on a minor charge would be accepted. This offer was not accepted; but the advisers were afterwards informed that such an offer would be considered if renewed, but that no undertaking could be given. The communications were only with the prisoners' counsel. The case of Muldowney was at present before the Lord Lieutenant. No answer had as yet been given to the Memorials on his behalf; but His Excellency would notify his decision at the earliest possible date.