HC Deb 08 August 1884 vol 292 c276

said, he wished to put a Question to the noble Lord the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, in order to allow him to counteract the effect of an answer he gave yesterday. Yesterday the noble Lord said that Hussein Khalifa Pasha had delivered up Berber treacherously; and he (Mr. Ashmead-Bartlett) would ask, Whether the noble Lord was aware that on the 23rd of April Hussein Pasha telegraphed to the Egyptian Government that he had only 60 cases of ammunition, and asked for reinforcements; whether Berber did not hold out for seven weeks after that; and, whether Colonel Trotter had not reported as to the bravery shown by Hussein Pasha on the occasion of the taking of Berber; also, whether it is not the case that Hussein was wounded at the fall of Berber, and would have been killed, if he had not been rescued?


, in reply, said, that it would be much more convenient, and much more in accordance with the practice of the House, if the hon. Member would put his Question on the Paper. The statement which he (Lord Edmond Fitzmaurice) made yesterday was not his own, but that of the messenger.