HC Deb 21 April 1884 vol 287 c126

asked the Secretary of State for War, What provision the War Department has made to secure for the Catholics of the 2nd Brigade, North of Ireland Royal Artillery, the ministrations of their religion during the time of preliminary drill and training this year at Carrickfergus; and, whether, in the event of the Department not allowing the necessary expense of a special service for the Catholics of the Brigade during their stay for drill at Carrickfergus, directions will be given that the Brigade be assembled henceforth for preliminary drill and training at Belfast, or Ballymena, or some one of the larger towns in the county Antrim, where the church accommodation at the disposal of the local Catholic clergy will enable them to admit the Catholics of the Brigade to the parochial mass?


The Regulations provide a fixed rate of remuneration for such ministrations, which is usually found to be sufficient for the duties to be performed; but in this case the local priest considers it insufficient. I have no power to increase the allowance. The place of training has been arranged locally by the General Officer commanding with reference to the barrack accommodation available and other considerations. I cannot undertake to alter it.