HC Deb 31 May 1883 vol 279 cc1303-4

asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether any successor has been or is to be appointed in the place of Lord Dufferin, who has now left Egypt, or through whom Her Majesty's Government at present communicate with the Khedive and his Government?


asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether there is any truth in the report that Major Baring has been or is about to be appointed to represent British interests in Egypt; and, whether it is intended to confer on Major Baring any powers beyond those hitherto exercised by Her Majesty's Agent and Consul General in Egypt, and to give to him any official title, and a higher salary; and, in such case, what title and what amount of salary it is proposed to give him, and what functions he is appointed to discharge?


Sir, in reply to the Question of my hon. Friend, and to that of the noble Lord the Member for Woodstock, I have to state that Major Evelyn Baring, now Finance Minister in India, will be appointed to succeed Sir Edward Malet at Cairo. His title, rank, and functions will be the same as those of his predecessor. In consequence of the representations of Sir Edward Malet, it has already been decided to raise the salary to £4,000, the amount assigned to the Missions at Lisbon, Rio Janeiro, and Yeddo. It is under consideration to make a personal allowance to Major Baring, in order to diminish, to some extent, the great pecuniary loss which he will sustain in accepting, at the request of Her Majesty's Government and for the Public Service, the present exchange of Offices. The exact amount of this allowance has not yet been fixed; but it is hoped that, by reductions which it is proposed to effect elsewhere, no additional charge will be incurred by the public.