HC Deb 28 May 1883 vol 279 c956

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty, Whether any examination of the cadets on board H.M.S. "Britannia" has been held during the past year; and, whether the Reports of the Examiners can be laid upon the Table before the Vote for the "Britannia" is asked for?


Sir, the cadets on board the Britannia are examined twice a-year; and the examinations in non-professional subjects are conducted by men of position in the Universities. It does not seem desirable that the Reports of the Examiners should be laid on the Table, as, if this practice was followed, there might be less disposition on the part of those gentlemen to give to the Board of Admiralty the benefit of their full and frank opinion on the subjects submitted to them.


gave Notice that when the Vote relating to this matter was brought forward he should oppose it.