HC Deb 24 May 1883 vol 279 c783

There is a Question I should be glad to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. There is a rumour, which I have heard with regret, to the effect that a port in Madagascar has been bombarded by the French Fleet. I would like to know if the Government have any information about it?


In reply to my right hon. Friend, I cannot do better than read a telegram handed to me a few minutes ago, just as I was leaving the Foreign Office. It is from Colonel Miles, our Agent at Zanzibar, and is as follows: — Bombardment of Mayunga took place on the 16th, and lasted six hours; force then landed under cover of guns and took possession. Hovas Suffered great loss; French none. Admiral returned Mayotte, leaving garrison. I may add that Mayunga is a port and town on the North-West Coast of Madagascar; and Mayotte is an Island already in French possession.