HC Deb 20 March 1883 vol 277 c935

asked Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Whether he will inquire into the practice of the Irish Board of Works in regard to loans to tenants under section thirty-one of the Land Act of 1881, and ascertain whether it has happened in numerous cases that the Board, after obtaining a fee of ten shillings from the applying tenant, and delaying for several months to deal with his application, have at length informed him that they would not proceed to take any steps in the case until the tenant forwarded to the office of the Board a receipt to prove that he had paid his rent up to the last customary gale day; if so, by virtue of what law or regulation this practice is adopted by the Board; and, having regard to the efforts made by many tenants to avail themselves of the Arrears Act by payment of the rent for 1881, the Treasury, in case they continue to insist on any evidence in regard to payment of rent as a condition precedent to allowing a loan to a tenant under section thirty-one, will consider whether it may not be expedient to regard the condition as satisfied on proof that the rent had been paid up to the last gale day of 1881?


Sir, if the hon. Member will address these Questions to the Secretary to the Treasury after the Recess, say, on the 2nd or 3rd of April, he will be doubtless able to answer them.


said, he would do so.