HC Deb 12 March 1883 vol 277 c204

asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether the reports in the "Standard" newspaper of the 9th of March, as to the arrival of a French squadron at Madagascar, and the consequent excitement and Military preparations for resistance among the Natives, and the danger to the European and Christian population, are accurate; and, if so, whether Her Majesty's Government will despatch British war vessels to that island to protect British interests and commerce, and will protest against aggression on the part of the French Republic?


Her Majesty's Government has, as yet, received no information as to the arrival of a French Squadron at Madagascar; but it has no reason to doubt the substantial accuracy of the intelligence. Her Majesty's ship Dryad is now at Tamatave. The course pursued by Her Majesty's Government will be shown in the Paper, which will be in the hands of hon. Members before Easter. I may add that a copy of the French Yellow Book, which contains some interesting information on the question, has for some days been deposited in the Library.