DR. CAMERONasked the Vice President of the Council, If he would explain the grounds on which the Education Department has refused to give an annual grant to Anderson's Institution, Forres, Elginshire, for more than 70 pupils in average attendance, notwithstanding that that institution educates some 200 children?
§ MR. MUNDELLAWhen the Supply question was under consideration after the passing of the Act of 1872, Anderson's Institution was reported by tile school board of the district, and by the Board of Education in Edinburgh, as sufficient for 70 children, and that its teaching staff was in accordance with that. Subsequently the school board had to supply all the deficiency of accommodation, and, with the aid of lands and building grants from the Education Board to the extent of about £5,000, they made the necessary provisions. In 1880 Anderson's Institution applied for annual grants, which were awarded to them for the number which they had originally estimated to accommodate—namely, 70 children. But the application to extend the grant for 200 was declined, inasmuch as the Education Department were unable, under the terms of the Act of 1872, to make grants for 1715 new schools or extensions for a large number than was believed was necessary. The school board now supplied the deficiency. This decision of the Department must be taken as pending the revision of Anderson's Institution Endowment by the Endowed Schools Commission.