HC Deb 26 June 1883 vol 280 c1551

asked Mr. Attorney General for Ireland, Whether he is aware that James Carey has written from Kilmainham Gaol to the Town Clerk of Dublin, announcing his intention of taking his seat as a member of the Dublin Town Council at the next meeting of that body, and that the Letter was written on Government stamped paper, and initialed by the Governor of the Gaol; whether the said James Carey has received Her Majesty's pardon for the murders of which he has declared himself on oath to have been guilty; whether, if not pardoned, Carey is not now in the position of a person awaiting trial; whether it is not legally in the power of the Executive to put him upon trial for his life; and, whether, if the Government determine to recommend to Her Majesty to pardon Carey, they intend imposing any conditions upon him, before the pardon is granted, as to quitting and remaining out of the Country, or otherwise?


It is a fact, I believe, that James Carey has written from Kilmainham Gaol the letter which is referred to in the Question. That letter was written on paper which bore the stamp, and which was initialed by the Governor of the gaol; but there is no significance in this fact, as all persons in the gaol when they write letters for outside are furnished with paper, and the said letters are initialed by the Governor. James Carey has not received any formal pardon from Her Majesty's Government, and ho is, of course, in the position of a person liable to be tried for the offence he has admitted to have committed. The consideration of the matter is at present before His Excellency; and I feel sure His Excellency will give great attention to the question of imposing conditions such as are referred to before any pardon is given to him.