HC Deb 01 June 1883 vol 279 cc1482-3

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, If his attention has been called to an announcement in the Dublin Gazette of a recent issue, that £1,500 has been awarded to Isadore M'William Bourke in respect of the murder of Walter M. Bourke near Castle Taylor, county Galway, £500 thereof to be paid by Isadore M'William Bourke to the trustees of the marriage settlement of Mrs. Dorinda Coghlan, sister of the late Walter M. Bourke; if he is aware that Isadore M'William Bourke inherits about £2,000 a-year through the death of his brother, and Dorinda Coghlan inherits some personal property; if it is a fact that Isadore M'William Bourke swore, at the investigation at Galway, that his brother's property was to him a damnosa hereditas, as the charges were in excess of rental, and suppressed the fact that the most valuable portion of the property was on his own hands; if it is upon the evidence of Isadore M'William Bourke that the investigator made report on which award was founded; if it is the intention of the Irish Government to reconsider this decision; and, if they intend to proceed against Isadore M'William Bourke for wilful and corrupt perjury?


Sir, the Lord Lieutenant went himself into this case with the greatest care, having before him the Investigator's Report, and the evidence taken at the inquiry; and His Excellency decided on awarding as compensation the amount published in The Gazette. His Excellency informs me that he sees no reason for reconsidering his award. Dr. Bourke was cross-examined by able counsel, and his evidence as to the value of his inheritance was in no way impeached or gainsaid, nor was any evidence to the contrary adduced, I must say that, under these circumstances, it is a strong thing that a gentleman should be described by implication as a wilful and corrupt perjurer in the House of Commons.


Sir, I beg to ask the Chief Secretary whether Dr. Bourke did not swear that this inheritance was damnosa hereditas, by saying that the charges on the estate exceeded by £150 the rental, while he suppressed the fact that the greater portion of the land was in his own hands, and managed by an Englishman named Sandes, who is his agent?

[No reply was given.]