HC Deb 19 July 1883 vol 281 cc1897-8

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty, How the officers and the crew of the "Victoria and Albert" Yacht will be employed whilst this vessel is being repaired; and, what it is contemplated to do with the "Enchantress "Yacht when the arrangement is carried out by which the "Osborne" Yacht will be at the disposal of the Lords of the Admiralty?


Sir, I had given an undertaking to the House that the repairs of the Victoria and Albert should not be commenced until the House had expressed its opinion on the subject. Pending that decision, no special arrangement has been made as to the employment of the officers and crew; but the matter is now under consideration. I may say that the crew, so far as not required for Hex-Majesty's service in connection with the tenders and boats, are employed on other duties at Portsmouth. The question of allotting the yachts at the disposal of the Admiralty will not arise until the Victoria anal Albert is again completed for use; but, of course, some new arrangement will have then to be made.