HC Deb 17 July 1883 vol 281 c1677

Order for Second Reading read.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Second Reading be deferred till Tuesday next."—(Sir Charles Forster.)


said, he understood that the postponement of the second reading was at the request of the Board of Trade. [Sir CHARLES FORSTER: Yes.] Then, he thought that the proposal was only a reasonable one. As the six Reports of the 10 Members of the Joint Select Committee of Lords and Commons were expected to be issued to-morrow, perhaps even a shorter interval might have been sufficient. In consenting to the postponement of the Bill for a week, at the instance, he presumed, of the Board of Trade, he hoped they would, on that day week, receive some decisive opinion and recommendation from the Government in regard to this great International question. He made this remark at this stage so that there might be no misconception, as far as he was concerned, as to the reason why he consented to the postponement.

Motion agreed to.

Second Reading deferred till Tuesday next.