§ MR. O'DONNELLasked the Under Secretary of State for India, Whether his attention has been called to complaints against the virtual annexation of the Native State of Mohurbhunj in Orissa contrary to the Proclamation of 1857; whether his attention has been called to a statement in the "Calcutta Englishman," that the treatment of this Principality "seems to show that the days of high-handed interference with Native States are not yet over;" and, whether he will investigate the facts?
§ MR. J. K. CROSSThe attention of the Secretary of State has been called to the statement in The Calcutta English man to which the hon. Member's Question refers. From that statement it appears that the Rajah of Mohurbhunj having died, leaving a son only two years old, arrangements have as usual been made for the temporary administration of the State. The Secretary of State has no reason to question that these arrangements have been decided on, after full consideration by the Government of India, as the best suited to the circumstances of the case, and he does not consider there is any reason for his interference in the matter.