HC Deb 21 August 1883 vol 283 c1502

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether he is aware that Mr. Mathews, clerk to the Ballymena Poor Law Union, is also clerk to the Town Commissioners, clerk to the Gasworks, clerk to the Intermediate School, clerk to the Burial Board, and collector of county cess for a barony?


in reply, said, that Mr. Mathews held the several offices named, and had held them for periods varying from seven to 37 years. He had been a very long time Clerk of the Union, and for a comparatively short time—seven years—Clerk to the Town Commissioners. He was not aware of any complaint being made with respect to the discharge of his duties, and the Local Government Board informed him that they had no reason to believe that his engagements outside the workhouse interfered with his duties as Clerk of the Union. If the hon. Member could refer him to any responsible person who believed otherwise, he would have the matter inquired into.


asked whether this was one of the officials whose very heavy labours the Government proposed to reward by the Union Officers' Superannuation Bill?

[No reply was given.]