§ Resolutions [17th August] reported.
§ First Resolution agreed to.
§ Second Resolution read a second time.
§ MR. SHEILsaid, he did not think it was understood that the House was to go on with the Report of Supply. He thought the Orders of the Day were to be proceeded with.
THE MARQUESS OF HARTINGTONsaid, the Report of the Supply voted the previous day was an Order of the Day.
§ Resolution agreed to.
§ Following Thirty-four Resolutions agreed to.
§ Thirty-seventh Resolution read a second time.
1303§ Motion made, and Question proposed, "That this House doth agree with the Committee in the said Resolution."
§ MR. WARTONsaid, he considered this one of the most important Votes that could be passed. Over £3,000,000, in connection with the Post Office, had been passed in Committee without a single word; and, as the Postmaster General had left the House, he would suggest that the Report of this Vote be taken on Monday.
§ MR. COURTNEYsaid, he was not aware there was any wish to discuss the Vote; but any observations might be made now. There was no necessity to postpone the Vote to Monday.
§ MR. TOMLINSONsaid, as a justification for the proposal to postpone the Vote, he might mention that a right hon. Friend had expressed to him (Mr. Tomlinson) his intention of saying something on the subject of the Vote. It was not expected that it would be taken at such an hour on Sunday morning, and it would be well that hon. Members unaware of the proceeding should have an opportunity of making the observations they desired to make in regard to the Vote.
§ THE SOLICITOR GENERAL (Sir FARRER HERSCHELL)said, had the right hon. Gentleman of whom the hon. Member opposite (Mr. Tomlinson) spoke been in the House during the day? Of course, it was not known that the Vote would not come on during the afternoon?
§ MR. ARTHUR O'CONNORsaid, he hoped the Government would agree to postpone the Vote, for he knew there was something to be said, and questions to be asked, in reference to the position of sub-postmasters in Ireland and of letter-carriers in the West of Ireland, now laden with immense burdens, in connection with the new Parcels Post system. There were also other matters hon. Members desired to bring before the House.
§ Question put.
§ MR. WARTONOn a point of Order, Mr. Speaker, I proposed that it be postponed to Monday.
§ MR. SPEAKERI am putting the Question, which I understand the hon. and learned Member proposes to meet with a negative.
§ MR. WARTONI beg pardon. That is not what I intended. I intended only to postpone it.
§ MR. SPEAKERIf the House disagrees with the Motion, it will be for the House to say if it shall be postponed to another day. The House will agree, or disagree, as it sees fit.
§ MR. ARTHUR O'CONNORCan I not move the adjournment of the debate?
§ MR. SPEAKERThe Question is, "That this House doth agree with the Committee in the said Resolution."
§ The House divided:—Ayes 44; Noes 11: Majority 33.—(Div. List, No. 304.)
§ Subsequent Resolutions agreed to.