HC Deb 27 April 1883 vol 278 c1267

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether he is aware that the restrictions which the Privy Council have imposed upon the sale and removal of cattle in the county of Westmeath have caused a very serious injury to the farming class in that county, as well as to the traders and shop-keepers in the different towns where fairs and markets have been prohibited; and, if he will see that these restrictions are removed at the very earliest opportunity, and that care will be taken to render them as little oppressive as is consistent with public interests?


It is, of course, inevitable that in any district where it is found necessary to impose restrictions of the character referred to, those interests which depend upon the cattle trade will suffer more or less of inconvenience; but it must be remembered that the restrictions are imposed in the public interests to prevent the spread of disease, which could not fail eventually to cause much greater damage and loss. Every care has been, and will be, taken by the Lord Lieutenant and his responsible advisers in the matter to see that no greater restrictions are imposed than the public interest demands.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the veterinary surgeons are not disinfected when going from an infected to a non-infected district; whereas farmers are subjected to this process?

[No reply was given.]


said, he would repeat the Question on Monday.