HC Deb 26 April 1883 vol 278 cc1155-6

asked the Civil Lord of the Admiralty, If it is true that two years have been added to the term entitling Naval Artificers to pension, and that men who are invited to re-enter after ten years' service are required to engage for twelve years more, and suffer loss by deferred rise of pay owing to this extension; and, whether the new conditions, while favourable to new entrants, have proved so unsatisfactory that the men who have been ten years in the service are found unwilling to re-enter for the extended period?


Sir, the Question of my hon. Friend re- fers, I think, to engine-room artificers. The now terms of service, which may be accepted at their own option by men now serving, include a longer period of service for pension, the rate of pension being, of course, increased. The men have been called upon to elect whether they will accept the new conditions as a whole, setting their advantages against any drawbacks they may discern in them, or continue to serve on the old terms. Returns have not been received from all the stations, and it is, therefore, not yet possible to say definitely how far the new conditions are accepted by the men; but my hon. Friend will understand that men at present in the Service can in no way suffer by the new Regulations, as it is optional with them, if they prefer it, to complete their service for pension under the old conditions in every respect.