HC Deb 23 April 1883 vol 278 cc894-5

asked the Vice President of the Council, Whether his attention has been called to a statement which has recently appeared in a Scotch newspaper regarding a State-aided denominational school in Glen-creran, in the parish of Appin and Lismore, Argyleshire, the statement being to the effect that a memorial, signed by every farmer and crofter in Glencreran, was presented in November last to the School Board of the parish, complaining that the denominational school, the only school in Glencreran, was conducted in such a way as to offend the religious feelings of the memorialists, and praying the Board to open a public or Board School suited to the requirements of the glen; and, whether any representation on the subject has been received by the Education Department?


Sir, the school referred to in the hon. Member's Question is a small school, in connection with the Scottish Episcopal Church, and was established in the year 1854. It is deemed sufficient to meet the wants of the surrounding district; and, in fact, the average attendance is from 15 to 19 children. The only representation made to the Department on the subject of this school is contained in a letter received in September last from a solitary ratepayer. We referred the letter to the school board, and asked their remarks thereon, and to this moment we have received no reply from them. I have also had my attention directed to an article in The Glasgow Herald, purporting to give a copy of a memorial addressed in 1882 to the school board. But neither in that memorial, nor elsewhere, is there any allegation that the school is not conducted strictly in accordance with the Conscience Clause, and the approved Time Table, on the faith of which a grant is allowed to it under Section 67 of the Act of 1872, as a school in existence before the passing of that Act, and efficiently contributing to the secular education of the district. It being be recognized both by the Department and the school board, who are responsible for supplying any public school accommodation required to meet the wants of their district, we have no power to sanction another school; but if there is any representation made to us that the Conscience Clause is not strictly complied with, we shall deem it our duty to interfere.