HC Deb 16 April 1883 vol 278 c294

reported from the Committee on Group 6 of Railway Bills; That, for the convenience of the parties, the Committee had adjourned till Wednesday next, at Twelve of the clock.


said, he was informed that the Committee in question had adjourned over to morrow, in order to suit the convenience of some of its Members who were Members also of one of the Grand Committees which sat to-morrow, and who consequently had to attend that sitting. It would be very inconvenient if the meetings of the Grand Committees and of Private Bill Committees were to clash in that way, inasmuch as, in consequence, the parties were kept in London, at a great expense, who had come up to attend the Private Bill Committee. He would ask his hon. Friend opposite (Mr. Paget) whether it was on account of the Grand Committee that the Private Bill Committee had adjourned?


, in reply, said, that, as far as his experience went, it was not usual to go behind the Report of a Committee like this. The Committee reported that the adjournment had taken place for the convenience of the parties. He thought he might say, however, for the satisfaction of the hon. Member, that he had reason to know that there were Members of the Private Bill Committee referred to, who would be otherwise engaged to-morrow in Public Business of the nature indicated by the hon. Baronet.

Report to lie upon the Table.

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