HC Deb 10 April 1883 vol 277 c1972

said, there was a Question on the Paper in the name of the hon. Member for Chelsea (Mr. Firth) in which the House took great interest, but which had not been asked. He did not know why it had not been put; but some hon. Members would like an answer, at all events. The Question was, When it was proposed to take the first reading of the Bill for the Reform of the Government of London?


said, that he had received a notification from his hon. Friend the Member for Chelsea to the effect that he had put down the Question in error for to-day, as he had no intention of asking it to-day. The right hon. Gentleman was perfectly entitled to ask it; but he was not in a position to give any reply of a substantive character in regard to that or any other important Bill. The Corrupt Practices Bill, which had been hanging over for some time, would have to be proceeded with, and further progress would have to be made in other matters before the House before he could be in a position to fix any period for any particular Bill.


asked when the Government intended to take Supply?


said, they were pledged, he believed, to take one day at an early date for the Navy Estimates, and he hoped on Thursday to be able to state the day.


said, he put his Question in view of the fact that a Vote had been granted for a limited period with the understanding that Supply would be seriously proceeded with.