HC Deb 06 April 1883 vol 277 c1634

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether his attention has been called to the circumstances attending the eviction of Esther M'Donnell and her seven children, near Kilmore, county Roscommon, on the 28th of March last; whether it is true that Mr. M'Donnell's children were all suffering from scarlatina at the time they were driven from their homes; whether the eviction was carried out in the absence of the relieving officer, and the family were obliged to take shelter in a neighbouring hovel; whether one of the sick children has since died from exposure; and, whether, should the foregoing statements prove to be accurate, the Government will take steps to have the landlord, Mr. John Watkin, put upon his trial for manslaughter?


Sir, I find upon inquiry that the facts are not such as appear to have been reported to the hon. Member. The Sub-Inspector of Constabulary in the district, who was present at the eviction, reports that none of the children were sick at the time. The usual legal notice had been served on the relieving officer; he was not present, nor does the law require that he should have been. The evicted family got lodgings in a neighbouring house. None of the children have since died from exposure or any other cause. I may mention that Mrs. M'Donnell had previously been evicted and had retaken possession forcibly.