§ SIR R. ASSHETON CROSSasked the First Lord of the Treasury, On what day he can give facilities for discussing the question of the release of the Cuban refugees? He might add that he had done all lie could to got a place at the ballot for the discussion of the question.
MR. GLADSTONESir, the Papers which explain the nature of the arrangement that has been accorded to us by the Spanish Government are now on their way, and will be immediately presented to Parliament. Not being of any great bulk, the)' will, I hope, be in the hands of Members before many days have elapsed. When the right hon. Gentleman has read them, I shall be happy to confer with him as to the way he can best raise the question if he should desire to raise it.
§ SIR R. ASSHETON CROSSsaid, he would repeat the Question on Monday.