HC Deb 02 April 1883 vol 277 c1168

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, If his attention has been called to a Petition signed by the Very Rev. Dr. Dinan, P. P. Kilrush, and all the clergy of West Clare, and adopted unanimously by the Kilrush Board of Guardians at their meeting of March 24th; whether the Sub-Commissioners reduced the rents by fifty per cent; and, whether, considering the extreme poverty of the tenants on this property, their consequent inability to travel to Limerick, and the suitable character of Kilrush Court House for the Chief Commissioners to hear the appeals in, a recommendation accordingly will be made by the Government to have the appeals heard at Kilrush?


in reply, said, that the Land Commissioners informed him that they had received the Petition referred to, the prayer of which was that appeals from the west of Clare might be heard at Kilrush instead of Limerick or Ennis. It was the desire of the Commissioners to do everything in their power for the accommodation of persons who wished to have their cases re-heard, and they would carefully consider the Petition from Kilrush. There had been a few cases in which the Clare Sub-Commissioners reduced rents by 50 per cent.