HC Deb 27 October 1882 vol 274 cc269-70

asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether it is true, as stated in the "Evening News" of Tuesday, that a Chinese Embassy arrived at Bangkok to treat for the resumption of the Suzerainty of China over Siam; whether, as stated, in a telegram of the "Central News," from Nagasaki, dated October 22nd, a difficulty is apprehended between France and China; and, whether the troops of both Countries have entered Annam?


Sir, Her Majesty's Agent and Consul General in Siam reported, in October of last year, the arrival of a Chinese official with proposals for the renewal of relations between Siam and China on their former footing. These proposals appear to have been declined by the Siamese Government. We have no information that a difficulty is apprehended between France and China. A small French force entered Annam some months ago; but we have no report of the Chinese having done so.