HC Deb 23 November 1882 vol 274 c1915

asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether any recent Reports have been received from Her Majesty's Minister at Lima regarding the condition and treatment of the Chinese in Peru; and, if not, whether he will give instructions that such Reports should be made?


The only recent Reports on the subject from Her Majesty's Minister in Peru relate to the kidnapping of free Chinese and their sale to the planters in the Northern Provinces for employment on their sugar estates. Her Majesty's Minister made official representations against this practice to the Commander of the Chilian Forces last year, and I am happy to state that measures were in consequence taken, which it is hoped have put an end to these proceedings. Admiral Stirling, commanding Her Majesty's Naval Force on the Pacific Station, assisted in the suppression of the traffie by sending officers to search the outgoing steamers, and warning British subjects against allowing these Coolies to be shipped under the British flag.