§ MR. LABOUCHEREsaid, he rose to make an appeal in reference to the Business which would be proceeded with when the House re-assembled on Thursday next. He believed the Prevention of Crime Bill would be the first Order, and that it was to be taken from day to day. A great many hon. Gentlemen would be inclined to prolong the Holiday to the end of the week, if some other Business, say, Supply, were set down for Thursday and Friday. That would also enable the Chief Secretary for Ireland to spend some days in Ireland, which would be an advantage to him, considering that he had only recently assumed Office. The right hon. Gentleman answered very fairly all the 1754 questions put to him, and a very high opinion of him was entertained by those who knew him on the Liberal side of the House. At the same time, the right hon. Gentleman was in this difficulty, that he knew personally nothing about what was going on in Ireland. He had to take what he heard from gentlemen who gave him information. It, therefore, seemed to him (Mr. Labouchere) most desirable that the right hon. Gentleman should pass not only a few days, but a little longer time in Ireland. There were many also who thought several of the clauses of the Bill might be modified. He believed that if the right hon. Gentleman had an opportunity of looking into the matter himself in Ireland, he would probably see that the modifications which had been suggested by various Members should be adopted. Therefore, that, he thought, was an additional reason for not taking this Bill on Thursday and Friday next, and giving the right hon. Gentleman an opportunity of remaining longer in Ireland. To a man having the large mind of the right hon. and learned Gentleman the Secretary of State for the Home Department (Sir William Harcourt), although he might say to the contrary, nothing was impossible; and if he would put down Supply for Thursday and Friday, he would find that the hon. Gentleman the Financial Secretary to the Treasury would be able easily, in thin Houses, to obtain a great deal of money.
§ SIR WILLIAM HARCOURT, in reply, said, many things might be possible to men of large minds; but he could not disobey orders. This question was put to the Prime Minister yesterday, who stated he was quite sure, with extreme regret, that he was not able to meet the wishes of Gentlemen from Ireland. In the absence of the Prime Minister, he had no discretion in the matter.
§ Motion agreed to.
§ Resolved, That this House, at its rising, do adjourn till Thursday 1st of June.