§ SIR H. DRUMMOND WOLFFwished to say a few words on this Motion, which appeared to him to be brought forward at the wrong moment, because it ought to have come after the Questions, and not before them. He thought the Prime Minister had made a mistake. He supposed the Motion was brought on at that 1699 particular moment to prevent certain Questions being asked about Egypt. ["Order!"] What did hon. Gentlemen opposite mean by calling out "Order?" He thought he was in Order, and that he was perfectly entitled, on this Motion for Adjournment, to ask the Questions which had been in this manner entirely overlooked. But he would ask the Speaker, first of all, if he was not in Order?
§ MR. SPEAKERDoes the hon. Member ask whether it is in Order to make this Motion before the Questions? Is that so?
§ MR. SPEAKERI am bound to say that the more regular course will be to make the Motion after the Questions have been asked.
MR. GLADSTONEThen, Sir, for the present I withdraw the Motion; but I need hardly assure the hon. Gentleman that in offering it for the approval of the House at the time I did there was no plot whatever in the matter. I will bring the Resolution on again after the Questions?
§ Motion, by leave, withdrawn.