§ PUBLIC BILLS—Ordered—Supreme Court of Judicature Acts Amendment; Copyright (Musical Compositions).
§ Ordered—First Reading—Public Schools (Scotland) Teachers [153].
§ Second Reading—Local Government (Gas) Provisional Order* [144]; Local Government Provisional Orders (No. 2)* [145]; Tramways Provisional Order* [141]; Settled Land* [120]; Consolidated Fund (No. 3)*; Ballot Act Continuance and Amendment [84]; Contumacious Clerks [41], debate adjourned; Spirits in Bond [54], debate adjourned; Copyright (Works of Fine Art, &c.)* [119].
§ Committee—Poor Law Guardians (Ireland)* [7]—R.P.; Irish Reproductive Loan Fund Act (1874) Amendment [133], debate adjourned; Parliamentary Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Practices) [21]—R.P.
§ Committee—Report—Municipal Corporations (re-comm.) [113]; Military Manœuvres* [134]; Documentary Evidence* [143].
§ Report—Commons Regulation Provisional Orders* [117].
§ Third Reading—Boiler Explosions* [100]; Public Health (Scotland) Act Amendment* [115], and passed.