HC Deb 27 March 1882 vol 268 c30

asked the Secretary of State for India, Whether a Departmental Committee of the India Office recently recommended the system of public tender in respect of shipments made by the Indian Guaranteed Railways; and, if so, on what principle it has now adopted a secret system in obtaining freights for the conveyance of Government stores?


About three years ago the system of public tender, which was already in force for India Office shipments, was recommended by a Departmental Committee for shipments, made by the Guaranteed Railways. Subsequent experience, however, had shown, as I stated last Monday, that there are objections to this system; and the change in the India Office arrangements, which I then explained, has, therefore, been made. The new system is not a secret one, and is that adopted by many large mercantile firms, as well as by other Government Departments concerned in the freight of stores. I see no reason to doubt its continuing to be satisfactory and economical.