MR. SEELY (SEN.)asked the First Lord of the Treasury, Whether the Government would cause a Report to be made to this House, either by a Commission or a Committee of this House, as to the improvements that could be made in the passage by sea between England and France (particularly after the harbours at present in course of construction at Calais and Boulogne are completed), in order that, when this House has to consider the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed tunnel under the Channel, the comparison may be made, not between the passage by the proposed tunnel and the sea passage as it is at present, but as it would be after it was so improved?
MR. GLADSTONESir, what I would say is that it will be, perhaps, a very important matter for the House, as well as for the Government, to consider when the subject is ripe for determining by what form effectual inquiry shall be made into the whole of this subject. I doubt, however, very much whether it would be expedient, and certainly the Government are not prepared to recommend, that at the present moment, in anticipation of the regular and complete inquiry which must come, a partial inquiry should be instituted as to the proposal made by my hon. Friend.