§ SIR STAFFORD NORTHCOTET wish to ask the Government, Whether they can afford the House any further information with regard to the late atrocious attempt upon Her Majesty's life, and also with regard to Her Majesty's health?
§ SIR WILLIAM HARCOURTIn answer to the first part of the right hon. Gentleman's Question, I do not know that I can add any material facts to those which I stated last night. It is very desirable, of course, that anybody in a responsible position should not state anything that has not been distinctly proved in evidence as yet. The state of the case at present is this. By my desire the Solicitor to the Treasury attended this morning at Windsor in order to conduct the prosecution and the inquiry in this case; and Sir James Ingham, the senior magistrate at Bow Street, has also gone to Windsor in order to give his great experience and assistance to the local magistrates in conducting the case. The prisoner was remanded in order that further and fuller evidence should be obtained, and to give time for considering the charge which will be preferred against the prisoner. That is the actual legal situation with reference to the prisoner. The only other fact that I think I can properly mention now is, that this morning the bullet which had been discharged from the pistol was found near the railway station. That, of course, is a material circumstance; but that is all that can with prudence be stated with reference to the facts that have come to our knowledge. With reference to the second Question of the right hon. Gentleman, I have to state that, having had the honour of having an audience of Her Majesty this morning, I am able to state that Her Majesty has not suffered in health from the atrocious circumstance of yesterday. I may be allowed to say that Her Majesty expressed her extreme satisfaction at the messages which have reached her from all parts of this country, and I may say from all parts of Europe, of congratulation and satisfaction at Her Majesty's escape.