HC Deb 02 March 1882 vol 266 cc2041-2

Before the House adjourns, I am sure it would be a great relief to the anxiety that is felt by hon. Members if the Government were able to give us any information with, regard to the atrocious outrage which has caused such a thrill of horror to pass through all our minds to-night, and especially if they were able to inform us that Her Majesty has escaped not only unhurt, but that her health has not suffered, so far as they are aware, from the shock she must have received. There must be a general feeling of thankfulness that no more serious consequences have ensued; and any information that the Government may feel themselves able to give will, I am sure, be thankfully received.


I regret to state that, at half-past 5 this afternoon, as Her Majesty was driving out of the station at Windsor in a closed carriage, accompanied by Princess Beatrice, a shot was fired from a revolver by a man, who has been arrested. His name is Roderick Maclean. He appears to be a clerk, and he states that he is a native of London. I do not think it would be well that I should state any further particulars than these with reference to the prisoner. I am happy to be able to assure the House that the Queen has sustained no injury, and Sir Henry Ponsonby adds, in his telegram to me, "the Queen is not alarmed." I am glad, also, to be able to add that no person was injured by the shot which was fired. I need not say that the right hon. Gentleman opposite has expressed the feeling entertained by every Member in this House, and by every man in this country, of deepest sympathy with Her Majesty at this outrage.

House adjourned at a quarter after one o'clock.