HC Deb 30 June 1882 vol 271 c929

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether it has been the practice of the Irish Government for many years not to appoint County Court Judges to sit in any Court which was comprised in the Circuit on which they had practised at the Bar; whether this rule arises from the necessity of keeping Judges free from all suspicion of bias towards professional supporters and clients; whether the same considerations apply to the appointment of legal Assistant Commissioners under the Land Act; whether Mr. Wyllie, the Chairman of the Sub-Commission in Tyrone, is a member of the North West Circuit, which includes Tyrone, and whether he intends to resume his professional connection with that county when his present twelvemonth employment ceases; and, whether he will take steps to have Mr. Wyllie removed to some other county, where he will not be exposed to embarrassment by past and future professional relations?


Sir, I am informed that no fixed practice has existed with regard to the appointments of County Court Judges; and three instances have been brought to my notice, in which the County Court Judges have been appointed to counties on their own Circuits. The Question with regard to Mr. Wyllie has been already answered in the House. The hon. Member will find the answer reported in The Times of the 13th instant.