HC Deb 27 June 1882 vol 271 c545

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether it is the fact that, on the 25th of last month, the Oughterard Board of Guardians passed a resolution that the Carraroe evicted tenants should be offered outdoor relief on a labour test, and that each man should get a stone of Indian meal per diem for a period of one month; whether, notwithstanding this unanimous decision of the Guardians, the clerk of the Union informed the tenants that they would be allowed only one fortnight's work from the date of eviction; whether he did this without calling together a meeting of the Guardians; whether, in consequence of their having disobeyed the orders of the Guardians, the evicted tenants have been refused the stone of meal per diem for the last week's work they have done; and, whether the Local Government Board intend to recommend outdoor relief, or further employment for these people, who, at present, have nothing to earn and nothing to eat?


The attention of the Local Government Board had already been given to this matter; and, finding that the clerk of the Union acted in the manner indicated by the Question, they have expressed their marked disapproval of his conduct, and have warned him that if he again interferes with the administration of relief in such an unauthorized manner it will lead to his dismissal. The evictions took place between the 16th and 15th of May, and consequently the period for exceptional outdoor relief has elapsed, and the Local Government Board has no longer power to recommend, nor the Guardians to grant, such in these cases.


said, he had a Question relative to the evictions in the locality for Thursday. Would the Chief Secretary for Ireland be in his place on that day?


said, he should not; but he would reply to the Question upon any other occasion.