HC Deb 26 June 1882 vol 271 c403

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether he is aware that on the 15th instant Mr. John Cunningham, of 17, Thornhill Square, Islington, was visited at his residence by three detectives from Scotland Yard, who charged him with being concerned in the sending of a threatening letter; whether he is aware that the charge against Mr. Cunningham proved utterly groundless; and, whether, having regard to the fact that Mr. Cunningham is an officer of Inland Revenue, and therefore liable to be injuriously affected by the unjust suspicion cast upon him, the Home Department will cause a full inquiry to be made into the matter?


, in reply, said, that a threatening letter was sent to a person in Ireland which had been posted in London. Inquiries were made on the subject of the posting of the letter, and some detectives called on Mr. John Cunningham, but there was no charge brought against him. From the report he had received, it appeared that the whole matter was conducted considerately by the officers who called upon Mr. Cunningham, and nothing personally offensive was said or done to him. On the contrary, the parties were on such friendly terms that they shook hands when parting. As to his suffering for these inquiries, he had received a letter from the Inland Revenue Officers, who were the employers of Mr. Cunningham, assuring him that nothing of the kind occurred, as they believed he had nothing to do with the writing of the letter.


Is it because Mr. Cunningham is a Government official that the detectives called upon him, or would they have called upon him if he were an ordinary member of the public? Has the introduction of the French system been sanctioned by the Home Secretary?

[No reply was given to this Question.]