§ SIR BALDWYN LEIGHTONasked Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, With reference to the proposed subvention to roads, whether he can now state in what mode it would be applied, namely, whether according to mileage of disturnpiked roads in a county or borough, or according to mileage of main roads, or expenditure, or how otherwise; and, if not now, whether he could inform the House on what occasion such a statement would be made?
THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER (Mr. GLADSTONE), in reply, said, he thought that, with respect to that question, one of two courses would be taken. He could not say which would be the more convenient. His right hon. Friend the President of the Local Government Board might, when in Committee on the Tax Bill, state his proposal as to the mode of distribution; or it might be postponed until his right hon. Friend proposed it as a substantive plan.