HC Deb 19 June 1882 vol 270 cc1589-90

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether it is true that the police, at Rhode, King's County, recently prevented by threats the erection of a hut, provided by the Ladies' Land League to shelter the family of an evicted labourer named Kavanagh; whether, in consequence of the conduct of the police, Kavanagh, his wife, and his children, who, as notified to the police, were ill of measles, had to avail themselves of the shelter of a shed or stable without door, window, or chimney, and have lived there for the last fortnight; whether the result has been that exposure has caused the death of one of the children, and that another is now lying at the point of death; whether the coroner of Queen's County, in accordance with the Law, issued his precept to the police directing them to provide a jury to inquire into the death of the child, and giving them twenty-eight hours' notice for the purpose; whether the police disregarded the precept, and failed to provide the jury, in consequence of which no inquest has yet been held; and, whether the Executive will take notice of the conduct of the police, and institute further action in the matter?


in reply, said, he had just received a voluminous telegram from Ireland in relation to the matter, and he was anxious to look over it carefully, as it touched the conduct of several Government officials. He would answer the hon. Member to-morrow.


said, he would repeat the Question to-morrow.