MR. DILLYWNasked the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, Whether Her Majesty's Government or the authorities at the Cape have recently imposed any new restrictions on the Correspondence of Cetewayo or his liberty of action?
§ MR. R. N. FOWLERalso asked when the Correspondence with regard to Cetewayo would be laid upon the Table?
§ MR. EVELYN ASHLEY,in reply, said, that neither Her Majesty's Government nor the authorities at the Cape had imposed any new restrictions on the correspondence of Cetewayo or on his liberty of action, except in one particular. About the middle of last month the Secretary of State sent instructions to Sir Hercules Robinson, the Governor of the Cape, begging him to take care that no messages were sent into Zululand by Cetewayo, unless with the knowledge and sanction of Sir Henry Bulwer, the Governor of Natal, and the Special Commissioner for Zulu Affairs. The Papers 656 in question were in course of preparation, and would be laid upon the Table as soon as possible.