HC Deb 28 July 1882 vol 273 c29

asked the Postmaster General, Whether, on the 28th ultimo, the postmaster at Cleggan, county Galway, used abusive and threatening language to one Festy King, and committed an assault upon him; whether, on the 27th ultimo, at the same post office, Mrs. Molloy, of Aughrisbeg, having called for a letter, a letter addressed to her was opened by the postmistress, who took from it a cheque sent to Mrs. Molloy by her husband, and assaulted Mrs. Molloy so seriously that she has since been confined to bed; and, what steps have been taken, or will be taken, with reference to the charge of the Cleggan post office?


in reply, said, it was true that an assault was committed, but it was not a violent assault. It was also true that the wife of the postmaster committed the very serious impropriety of detaining a money order contained in a letter which she was authorized to open. He had given instructions that she should refund the money, and he had told the postmaster and his wife that if they gave any further grounds for complaint the post office would be at once placed in other hands.