HC Deb 20 July 1882 vol 272 cc1080-1

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether there is any truth in a rumour which has been circulated, to the effect that it is proposed to suspend the sittings of the Sub-Commissions under the Land Act, at the conclusion of the present circuits, for a period of several weeks' vacation; and, whether, in view of the fact that the proper season for the inspection of land is when it is carrying the crops, during the long days of summer and autumn, and when the capabilities of land, which is submerged in winter time, can be estimated with the crops or stock upon it, and with the object of preventing, as far as possible, the repetition of inspections of land under the most unfavourable conditions, he will represent to the Land Commissioners the expediency of continuing the sittings of the Sub-Commissions throughout the summer and autumn months, and fixing the period of vacation during those winter months when it is impossible that a satisfactory inspection of land, or true estimate of its value, can be made?


Sir, the Land Commissioners calculate that the present circuits of the Assistant Commissioners will terminate about the 15th of August, and it is intended that the next circuits shall open about the 18th of September. The Assistant Commissioners must get some holiday, and I think it best that they should take it all at one time. Otherwise it would be necessary to make it a rule during a considerable part of the year for the Sub-Commissioners to sit two instead of three together, or else to consolidate the Sub-Commissions in successive groups, which would cause great inconvenience.


asked what would be the objection to their taking the holiday in winter time?


said, he thought that would be rather hard on the Sub-Commissioners. Moreover, they were so mixed up with legal proceedings in Ireland, that it would be better for them to take their holiday during the legal vacation.


Does the right hon. Gentleman not think it harder still for parties who are waiting to have their cases heard?