§ MR. GOURLEYasked the Secretary to the Admiralty, If it is the intention of Her Majesty's Government at once to land marines and bluejackets at Port Said, Ismailia, and Suez for the purpose of assisting Europeans now resident in those places, to protect their lives and property should either be threatened with attack; and, if he will be good enough to state how many vessels, British and others, are now in and about the Canal for convoy purposes; and, if it is true that an Italian man-of-war has passed through the Suez Canal as a convoy?
§ MR. CAMPBELL - BANNERMANWith reference to the Question which my hon. Friend has added to that which is on the Paper, I believe that on one occasion an Italian man-of-war did act as a convoy through the Suez Canal. So far as we are informed, only on one occasion. I am sorry I am not prepared to give a detailed account of the steps which Her Majesty's Government have taken, or are ready to take, for the protection of the places mentioned in the Question; but I will ask my hon. Friend to be satisfied with the assurance that nothing is being neglected which is considered necessary for this purpose.
§ SIR WILFRID LAWSONI beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs—and I will give Notice for to-morrow if he cannot answer the Question to-day—whether it is true that the Ministry of the Khedive hesitated to take the necessary steps to inform the people of Egypt that Arabi was a rebel and an outlaw?
§ SIR CHARLES W. DILKEI think the hon. Member had better give Notice of that Question.
§ MR. ARTHUR ARNOLDHas the Government received any reply from the 976 Porte in reference to the Identic Note as to the Conference?
§ SIR CHARLES W. DILKENo; we have received no information from Constantinople this morning.