HC Deb 11 July 1882 vol 272 c157

Order for Second Reading read.


said, it was the intention of the Government to ask that this stage of this Bill should now be taken. The Prime Minister had already stated that he desired this Bill to pass the second reading, and then to be committed pro formâ in order to be reprinted and circulated. The discussion upon the principle of the Bill could be taken subsequently, and that course had been agreed to by every hon. Member having an Amendment to the Bill, except one hon. Member, and he hoped the House would agree to the proposal.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Bill be now read a second time."—(Mr. Courtney.)


said, he did not wish to make the least objection to the question, under the very peculiar circumstances in which they now found themselves; but he must protest against a Bill of this importance being committed pro formâ, and without there being a regular debate on the second reading.


said, he hoped the Bill might be substantially considered next week.

Second Reading deferred till Thursday.