HC Deb 06 July 1882 vol 271 cc1603-4

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Is it the fact that the Swords Borough School, in the county of Dublin, with an annual endowment of £721 16s., derived from the compensation awarded by Parliament to the ancient borough of Swords for the loss of its representative under the Act of Union, has been placed under the National Education Board, or is it in contemplation that it shall be so placed; or that any, and, if so, what, change is to be made in the management of those schools and the application of the endowment; was it not provided by the original charter that the endowment was to be applied to found a school in the town of Swords for the education and benefit as therein provided of the children of the lower orders of the people, without any distinction of religious persuasion; if any change be made, will due observance be had to the terms of the original charter, and can he state under what authority or on whose representation has any change been made; and, will any provision be made for the duo representation on the part of the Catholic inhabitants of Swords in the application of this endowment, and in what way?


Sir, the school in question has not been placed under the National Board, but application has been made to have it so placed, and the Board's Inspector has been instructed to report on the application. The school is endowed by Royal Charter, the management is intrusted to certain persons who form a Corporation, and it is they who have now applied to have it placed in connection with the National Board. I have referred the Question of the hon. Member to the National Board, who will have it before them when considering their Inspector's report on the application.