HC Deb 28 February 1882 vol 266 c1840

asked the First Lord of the Treasury, If he would inform the House what arrangements have been made to carry out the Resolution of the 13th May last with reference to the formation of a distinct administrative Department, and the appointment of a responsible Minister to preside over the official business especially relating to agriculture and commerce?


also asked the right hon. Gentleman at the head of the Government, Whether the attention of the Government has been directed to that portion of the Third Report of the Official Statistics Committee, which recommends the removal of the Statistics Department from the Board of Trade to the Treasury; and, whether it is proposed to take any, and, if so, what action upon it?


Both of these Questions belong virtually to the same subject-matter. The Government have, of course, not been unmindful of the engagements into which they entered with the House during the last Session; but they do not think it expedient to state their plan to the House until the time is approaching, at any rate, when they can obtain the judgment of the House upon it through the medium of whatever financial arrangements it may require. That will apply, I think, to the Question of my hon. Friend, and, of course, to the larger Question put by the hon. Baronet.