HC Deb 23 February 1882 vol 266 cc1491-2

Order for Committee read.


said, he hoped the Government would not ask the House to go into Committee on this Bill at that late hour. It was read a second time the day after it was distributed; therefore it was clear the country had not had time to consider it. He had not opposed the second reading, because he had not thought that there were any important points involved; but when he had come to consider the details, he thought there were several questions which ought to be discussed. He would put it to the Postmaster General whether it was desirable to take the measure to-day?


said, that if the hon. Baronet had any point to raise he would gladly consider it; but really the Bill was so purely a matter of form that at first he had not thought it necessary to proceed by means of a Bill. It had happened that in drawing one of the Post Office Acts it was said that not more than one half-penny should be charged for a Post Card. That provision, it was thought, would prevent a charge of 1d. being made for a reply Post Card, hence the present measure. The system it would introduce was in operation in Germany and Italy, and it seemed to him that it would be considered a public convenience in this country. If the hon. Baronet would suggest anything for his consideration he should be glad to entertain it.


said, that if it was the general wish of the House to take the Bill in Committee he would offer no opposition. He would point out, however, that they had only had three days to consider it.

Bill considered in Committee, and reported, without Amendment; to be read the third time upon Monday next.