HC Deb 21 February 1882 vol 266 cc1313-4

Select Committee appointed, "to inquire into the operation of Acts 27 and 28 Vict. c. 43, which authorises the Post Office to grant Annuities and issue Policies of Life Assurance:"—Lord EDMOND FITZMAURICE, Mr. HARCOURT, Sir JOHN KENNAWAY, Lord LYMINGTON, Mr. STOHER, Mr. JOHN HOLLOND, Mr. CHARLES ROSS, Mr. GOSCHEN, Mr. LODER, Mr. MITCHELL HENRY, Mr. SEXTON, Mr. SCLATER-BOOTH, Mr. BRAND, Mr. FAWCETT, and Mr. DUFF:—Power to send for persons, papers, and records; Five to be the quorum.—(Mr. Fawcett.)

House adjourned at a quarter after One o'clock.