§ LORD JOHN MANNERSasked Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Whether it is in contemplation during the present Session to authorise the growth, for sale, of tobacco by the agriculturists of the United Kingdom?
THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER (Mr. GLADSTONE)The Question of the noble Lord does not admit of an absolutely direct answer, because the inquiry whether tobacco can be grown in the United Kingdom, with safety to the vast revenue dependent on it, is a question that is in one sense always open. We shall at any time be very glad to find that any plan has been devised under which it could be done with safety with reference to the whole of the United Kingdom, but especially with reference to Ireland, which appears to have special qualities for growing tobacco. However, I am bound to say 1106 that no such plan is at present before us, and I am, therefore, not able to hold out any hope on the subject.