HC Deb 10 August 1882 vol 273 c1360

asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether it is true, as stated in the "London and China Telegraph" of July 24th, that the Spanish Government has bestowed the Grand Cross of Naval Merit upon the Spanish Consul at Singapore, who recently, in the case of the "Leon XIII." encouraged his countrymen in that port to resist and outrage British Law; whether it is true that a similar decoration was simultaneously bestowed upon the captain of the "Leon XIII.;" and, whether he can now lay upon the Table the Correspondence relating to the affair of the "Leon XIII." and especially to the conduct of the Spanish Consul at Singapore in connection with it?


Her Majesty's Government have received no information of the Grand Cross of Naval Merit having been bestowed by the Spanish Government on the Spanish Consul at Singapore, or on the captain of the Leon XIII. The Correspondence between the two Governments on the subject of the case referred to is not concluded, and, therefore, cannot conveniently be laid before Parliament.