HC Deb 10 August 1882 vol 273 c1488

Bill, as amended, considered.

Amendment proposed, In Clause 11, page 4, line 18, after the word "case," to insert the words "as stated by the Trustees, such circumstances to be stated in the certificate."—(Mr. Jesse Collings.)

Amendment agreed to.

Amendment proposed, In page 4, line 19, to leave out the words "such grounds to be stated in the certificate."—(Mr. Jesse Collings.)

Amendment agreed to.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Bill be now read the third time."—(Mr. Jesse Collings.)


said, he could not claim an intimate knowledge of the Bill, but he understood it made a considerable change in the law; and before the Bill was read a third time he should like to know whether it had the sanction of the Government? If there was no Member of the Government who could speak on it, then the final stage ought to be deferred.


said, the Bill had been carefully examined, and it was approved by the Government, and it had been fully discussed previously and amended by the Government in Committee. They had no objection at all to it.

Motion agreed to.

Bill read the third time, and passed.